Dear Deanna, Why Did You Run For County Commissioner in 2012?

There was several reasons to run for county commissioner, getting my story out was the first one. Second was the fact that several friends were running also. All together their were five of us. Winning would be nice, but we were pretty sure things were rigged in the poles. After election we pretty much knew they were. If you seen the results you would have understood, but the election page is now barried and I can not find it on the website. The judges turn out is the interesting one as our friend was running and the votes said he had zero votes. He voted for himself and he knows his mother voted for him at least. 

I campaigned all over town, not just in my area. The first sheet for obtaining signatures to put me on the ballot was incorrect and I had to go back out and collect more signatures. That was ok because I got to talk to even more people and hang out with my friends. My stalkers say that I mixed personal funds with campaign funds, but you really need to have a lot of donations to do that. The car wash raised maybe $50, but I would need to get the paper work out and look at it to make sure of the figures. I used my own money and made my own flyers, website etc... Below is my campaign card.

What people do not know, is in 2014, I worked at a poll location helping people to vote. A news reporter showed up and asked me why I was working at the polls. 

Keeping my former spouses last name was the best thing that I ever did. Wonder what his response was when someone asked him if we were related. 

Dear Deanna, How Did Exchange Of The Children At The Police Station Go?

While at the police station for the exchange of the children, my former spouse was in a light blue exercising outfit. I stated that he looked nice. Next thing I knew, I was being fined for commenting at the drop off and pick up exchange. Now this man has threatened to kick my ass, called me a bitch in front of my children, and threatened to burn my car and I am being fined. My thoughts were the crazy bitches at the FOC have lost it. Then I find out from my kids that my former spouse was wearing his girlfriend’s exercise outfit. His father is a transvestite and I am sure he stated something about me making fun of him. Since he is Dutch and played the always being broke card, I am sure he threw in something about not having money and paying child support and he couldn’t afford clothes.

This man would go to the bar dressed nicer than when he went to court! He would go into court and cry that all he wanted to do was to see his children, then not show up for visitations, or show up and start drama.  

We were in front of a referee and our current order could fine us up to $100 for any violation of the court order of visitations. He had violated the order five time and the referee reserved the right to fine him $500 and sent him to see a counselor. Guess who went to see the counselor and who did not???? So we were back in front of the referee for three more of his violations. The referee said we were under a new order and wiped out the $500 fine and gave him a fine of $25 for the three new fines of $75 total.

I started researching this referee and found out he was the person teaching ethics to the Friend of The Court Employees. Then I found out he was having an affair with one of my friends. 

Dear Deanna, Please Explain About Your Psychological Evaluation

The judge ordered that I have a psychological evaluation that cost $675. I learned that when the court orders something to be done, the court is to pay for it. I did not have that kind of money and I was not going to pay for such a thing. The Friend of The Court attorney got some court fund to pay for the services.

The place I was ordered to perform the test contracts with the courts. I had already researched and learn that the MMPI II test was no longer being performed because it was not designed for women of domestic violence and was coming back with diagnosis or women being crazy when they were not. This made me decided to bring a tape recorder to record the conversation and the test. I actually have a recording of the test, the questions, and my answers.

What I found interesting is that the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) spoke with the psychologist before and after the testing was done and provided prior motion that I had written. Yep, that should not have happen, but then dishonest lawyers do dishonest things.

The psychologist stated that the judge was upset with him for a client’s outcome that did not turn out to be what the judge had wanted. I found this information interesting and in my next motion quoted the psychologist. I believe this upset the psychologist and changed some of the outcomes of the evaluation among other things. The evaluation was interesting to read. My honest opinion was that he had written the evaluation and then got upset and rewrote it leaving many counter dictions on his part.
I took the evaluation to a woman who is licensed to perform the test. She did a free consultation with me. I learned that several of my understanding of what was going on were correct and the attorney providing information was to taint the outcome. I also learned that the evaluation had no test measures and for some reason seamed to focus on my relationship with my daughter, but I have three children all together. The evaluation stated that I was anti-social, which means that you could kill someone and have no remorse, in the psychological world. Well, at least something was correct about the report. Apparently, I was being compared to people in the prison system who killed people and could care less they had done so. The evaluation ended by saying there was no reason for me to obtain counseling as it would not help me and be a waste of proceeds. The judge allowed parts of the evaluation to be shared with my former spouse. What parts do you think were shared?

Now the man who threatened me, kicked in my back door, stole my car, and I had a Personal Protection Order (PPO) against was never given a psychological test, but I am the crazy one. This type of attitude make it ok for abusive men to be abusive. After all, that kind of behavior makes judges, law enforcement, attorneys, and the prosecuting attorney’s money.

Just before all this had taken place, a man from Florida had contacted me about a woman whom he was seeing in Michigan. He stated that the court system was crazy and so was my judge. I explained to him what was going on. He stated I was a breath of fresh air and was thankful to finally find someone who could explain what was happening. When I was ordered for the test, I gave him a call and found out who the woman he was seeing, had performed her psychological evaluation. Maybe one day the psychologist will be investigated on his practices, but until then I know the truth.

When you know the truth, you are able to stand and listen to the lies. When they believe their fabricated lie, that is where it gets interesting.  

Dear Deanna, What Do You Want To Say To Your Daughter And Other Children Kept From Their Mother?

Every day I have missed and thought about my daughter. All, my children in fact! I could have sat in a corner and cried, but I knew I was a good parent who would do anything for my children. My anger was used for good and to help other women and children going through the same issues. 

I filed motions after motions and went to the court of appeals. Went to the capitol of Michigan and passed out information. At one point I even called just about every Senator and House of Representative of Michigan. Went to the White House twice and demonstrated. Filed complaints, reports, and letters. Created a website, blog, Facebook pages, videos, and the likes. Ran for County Commissioner to get my name and my story into the public more. Went to college and got a degree so I would be taken more seriously with my advocacy. When I look back at the things I have done, I am amazed. I used to stand in front of my judge and shake, now she is the one who has to close her court room if I am going to be in the building. 

Children do not get to see 90% of the things their parents do to fight for them and feel as if their parents abandoned them or forgotten them. When a parent goes public with their story, children are embrassed about it. That is the issue with the entire matter, it is the children who are put in the middle. 

No matter how a parent chooses to fight, know it is not easy and they always have your best interest in their thoughts. Even if they do not fight, it is becaue they decided it was best for you, but it was not easy for them.  

Dear Deanna, How Do You See Your Former Spouse As A Person

I actually feel sorry for someone who is so money hungary, that he places money before anything else. This could be contributed to the fact that he is Dutch. Like his daughter, he was kept from having a relationship with his father. Being a parent who understand how that feels, you would think he would not do that to his daughter. 

My intentions were never to keep my former spouse from his children, but the threats, calling me names, and his behavior in front of the children was over the top. The courts did nothing to help the situation either. In fact, I think they allowed it. With my degree I got to learn a lot about domestic violence and even heard a father who was in an anger management program by the court talk about the program. These men keep going to the program and think it is a joke. Some had been in the program three times. My former spouse was charged a $50 fine once for calling my boss at work and tring to get me fired. 

After everyting I learned domestic violence is a money making business for the shelters, counselors, judges, and law enforcement.  

I learned that money does give a person power, but so does being smart. 

Dear Deanna, How Did You File Your Briefs For The Court Of Appeals For Free?

When a person is indigent you can file with the courts for free. Indigent basically means you are unemployed and have obtained assistance from the government. While I was on uneployment, I put together my two briefs. They were both 40 pages long and took me 30 days to complete. No I do not have a legal background. One was denied and the other one eventually was denied.

In order to get to the appeals, you have to go to court and then appeal that decision. So I filed a motion for custody of my children. It was funny because the judge stated I needed to have some legal opinions in my motion. He commented that their was noting from Vodvarka vs Grassmeyer. For one of my aaapeals I took that case and inserted my information and deleted anything that did not pertain to it. The other brief I took as many reversed cases of the former judge and placed them all in the brief. The decision made it on the internet. What did not make it on the internet is the motion to reconsider that I filed. You see, one of the briefs had stated how the appeals court had reveresed several of the judges orders for not applying the law when changing custody. One of those appeals judges was on my case. I filed a motion to reconsider, but it was denied. I have had people call me and tell me I had the case, but they changed the law on me. You can read their decision below and one day I may find my motion to reconsider and place on the blog.

Dear Deanna, How Do You Deal With Stalkers?

You know, some stalkers will stalk you because of someone you are associated with. My friend who is also fighting the corruption of family court also has stalkers. So because you work together or are friends, you get stalked by association. I see them as publicity and they help to boost my name and rankings on Google. I love to see their lies and manipulation, but love it more when people tell me how nuts they are. Most people are shocked once they meet me and I am nothing like what the stalkers said. 

My favorite example is when the Mayor threw a going away party for one of my friends who went back to New Zeland. While talking to the Mayor's secretary, she kept saying how fun I was and how I looked so familuar. I mentioned my running for a county commissioner position two years prior, but she did not put two and two together. I am sure the Mayor informed her who I was leter on. 

Others tell me to be safe and that those people are crazy. My friend and I actually feed them information that just makes them go nuts and crazy. We laugh about it and find it interesting how some people can be fed information to use. They have no clue we are setting them up to look crazier than they really are. If haters want to hate, feed them hater information. For example: We will go out to an event and then take some specific photos and place them on a Facebook page etc.. that we know they are on but think we do not. They will take the pictures and then use them. They also like to take our pictures from the Facebook personal pages. 

I always say, "If you can't laugh at the situation, you will never make it through the bs." Our haters help us to laugh at the situation. Sometimes you are just amazed at some people. 

Dear Deanna, How Did You Deal With Supervised Visitations?

After three months at the YWCA I started being harassed. A 20 year old employee started telling me when to have the childen pick up their toys etc...and was stepping over my parental boundaries. They were not following their safety protocall. (This is a domestic violence case and we were at a domestic violence shelter.) I wrote a letter to all their funders and in 30 days the program was shut down for about nine months. Little did the YWCA know, but I was doing a security type position a block away from the domestic violence shelter. 

If my former spouse harmed me while at the services, the publicity would have been out of this world. The YWCA did not want to take that chance and have the company look bad. Leter on I found out the CEO of the YWCA is friends with my judge and that they receive money from the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) Most people do not know that judges get 5%, prosecuting attorneys get 25%, and law enforcement get 25% of the funds. The best part about this is the fact that these agencies do not have to report back to the Federal government where the money was spent. What that means is they can pocket this money and no one is the wiser. 

If anyone can find out how to obtian information on the funds judges receive from non profit organizations, please let me know. I have searched and searched and as far as I know, there is no record of this money. 

So what I am saying is that judges, attorneys, and law enforcement are working with the YWCA to obtain money. Think they are for your best interest, think again!

Dear Deanna, How Did You Keep Your Judge From Putting You In Jail?

When I created my website, Abused Swan, the very first page explained that my judge threatened to put me in jail. Why did she threaten to put me in jail? For refusal to have any communication with my abuser. It is also a fear tactic by the judge get a person to cooperate. A statement explained that when I had to be in court, that I would post information on the page, and if the information had not been removed witn in 24 hours of the court date, it was because I was unable to do so.  

Judges are known to place mothers in lock down facilities to keep them quiet. At one point I worked at a lock down facility for teenage girls. Little did I know that my judge was sitting on the board. A few years later I had taken one of my children to get help with anger. While explaining about my judge, the intake person showed body signs that they understood about the judge, but could not speak about her. The only way to get my child help was to place the child on medications so the insurance company would pay for the counseling. What my child needed someone to explain what was going on. I knew that if I had explained to the child what was happening, my former spouse would use it against me in court and claim I was alienating the child against him. So I filed a motion to have the child go to counseling with a previous counselor the courts had ordered the child to see. The counselor had an office in the town my former spouse lived in and where I lived in. Instead the GAL thought I needed supervised visitations. 

Eventually I learned how to place the motions on the website so others could read what the court date was about.