Dear Deanna, How Did You Keep Your Judge From Putting You In Jail?

When I created my website, Abused Swan, the very first page explained that my judge threatened to put me in jail. Why did she threaten to put me in jail? For refusal to have any communication with my abuser. It is also a fear tactic by the judge get a person to cooperate. A statement explained that when I had to be in court, that I would post information on the page, and if the information had not been removed witn in 24 hours of the court date, it was because I was unable to do so.  

Judges are known to place mothers in lock down facilities to keep them quiet. At one point I worked at a lock down facility for teenage girls. Little did I know that my judge was sitting on the board. A few years later I had taken one of my children to get help with anger. While explaining about my judge, the intake person showed body signs that they understood about the judge, but could not speak about her. The only way to get my child help was to place the child on medications so the insurance company would pay for the counseling. What my child needed someone to explain what was going on. I knew that if I had explained to the child what was happening, my former spouse would use it against me in court and claim I was alienating the child against him. So I filed a motion to have the child go to counseling with a previous counselor the courts had ordered the child to see. The counselor had an office in the town my former spouse lived in and where I lived in. Instead the GAL thought I needed supervised visitations. 

Eventually I learned how to place the motions on the website so others could read what the court date was about. 

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