Dear Deanna, Why Did You Run For County Commissioner in 2012?

There was several reasons to run for county commissioner, getting my story out was the first one. Second was the fact that several friends were running also. All together their were five of us. Winning would be nice, but we were pretty sure things were rigged in the poles. After election we pretty much knew they were. If you seen the results you would have understood, but the election page is now barried and I can not find it on the website. The judges turn out is the interesting one as our friend was running and the votes said he had zero votes. He voted for himself and he knows his mother voted for him at least. 

I campaigned all over town, not just in my area. The first sheet for obtaining signatures to put me on the ballot was incorrect and I had to go back out and collect more signatures. That was ok because I got to talk to even more people and hang out with my friends. My stalkers say that I mixed personal funds with campaign funds, but you really need to have a lot of donations to do that. The car wash raised maybe $50, but I would need to get the paper work out and look at it to make sure of the figures. I used my own money and made my own flyers, website etc... Below is my campaign card.

What people do not know, is in 2014, I worked at a poll location helping people to vote. A news reporter showed up and asked me why I was working at the polls. 

Keeping my former spouses last name was the best thing that I ever did. Wonder what his response was when someone asked him if we were related. 

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