Dear Deanna, How Do You See Your Former Spouse As A Person

I actually feel sorry for someone who is so money hungary, that he places money before anything else. This could be contributed to the fact that he is Dutch. Like his daughter, he was kept from having a relationship with his father. Being a parent who understand how that feels, you would think he would not do that to his daughter. 

My intentions were never to keep my former spouse from his children, but the threats, calling me names, and his behavior in front of the children was over the top. The courts did nothing to help the situation either. In fact, I think they allowed it. With my degree I got to learn a lot about domestic violence and even heard a father who was in an anger management program by the court talk about the program. These men keep going to the program and think it is a joke. Some had been in the program three times. My former spouse was charged a $50 fine once for calling my boss at work and tring to get me fired. 

After everyting I learned domestic violence is a money making business for the shelters, counselors, judges, and law enforcement.  

I learned that money does give a person power, but so does being smart. 

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