
Deanna would love to hear from you! You can contact her at Deanna is open to suggestions and questions. Deanna is a very busy girl, so she may not get back with you for sometime.

If you have something negative to say, she more than likely will just delete and move on, but you never know whith this girl. You may just strike a nerve. You can go ahead and try, but just remembe you have been warned. Deanna loves confrontation and she has more stalkers than you can imagine. She is a magnet for the crazies, that is for sure. 

Now that we have adressed the crazies, let get to the healthy people. If you would like a consultation with Deanna about your case, you can email her and in the subject line put.......CONSULTATION. Deanna will charge a fee for an hour of her time. You may want to wait as Deanna plans on providing links to information etc..... So both of your time is not wasted, please have questions ready to ask her. Do not just ask what comes to mind, you will forget something and then want to have another consultation. This will waste both of your time. 

If you want to ask Deanna a question, in the subject line put the question. Deanna will post on her blog the question and her answer, If she does not post, then you may never know the answer, or the answer maybe in the post etc.... Now girls, lets not post 50 questions in an email and get upset when Deanna only answers one questions. If the same question gets asked over and over, she will respond. 

Also make sure to comment on her tools after you read or use them. Deanna is always looking for ways to improve or make things better. 

Want to be alerted to new post etc..... then join the mailing list. In the subject line just write, Mailing List. Deanna will add you to her list and let you know what is new. She is thinking about doing some videos and you will not want to miss them!

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