Dear Deanna, Please Explain About Your Psychological Evaluation

The judge ordered that I have a psychological evaluation that cost $675. I learned that when the court orders something to be done, the court is to pay for it. I did not have that kind of money and I was not going to pay for such a thing. The Friend of The Court attorney got some court fund to pay for the services.

The place I was ordered to perform the test contracts with the courts. I had already researched and learn that the MMPI II test was no longer being performed because it was not designed for women of domestic violence and was coming back with diagnosis or women being crazy when they were not. This made me decided to bring a tape recorder to record the conversation and the test. I actually have a recording of the test, the questions, and my answers.

What I found interesting is that the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) spoke with the psychologist before and after the testing was done and provided prior motion that I had written. Yep, that should not have happen, but then dishonest lawyers do dishonest things.

The psychologist stated that the judge was upset with him for a client’s outcome that did not turn out to be what the judge had wanted. I found this information interesting and in my next motion quoted the psychologist. I believe this upset the psychologist and changed some of the outcomes of the evaluation among other things. The evaluation was interesting to read. My honest opinion was that he had written the evaluation and then got upset and rewrote it leaving many counter dictions on his part.
I took the evaluation to a woman who is licensed to perform the test. She did a free consultation with me. I learned that several of my understanding of what was going on were correct and the attorney providing information was to taint the outcome. I also learned that the evaluation had no test measures and for some reason seamed to focus on my relationship with my daughter, but I have three children all together. The evaluation stated that I was anti-social, which means that you could kill someone and have no remorse, in the psychological world. Well, at least something was correct about the report. Apparently, I was being compared to people in the prison system who killed people and could care less they had done so. The evaluation ended by saying there was no reason for me to obtain counseling as it would not help me and be a waste of proceeds. The judge allowed parts of the evaluation to be shared with my former spouse. What parts do you think were shared?

Now the man who threatened me, kicked in my back door, stole my car, and I had a Personal Protection Order (PPO) against was never given a psychological test, but I am the crazy one. This type of attitude make it ok for abusive men to be abusive. After all, that kind of behavior makes judges, law enforcement, attorneys, and the prosecuting attorney’s money.

Just before all this had taken place, a man from Florida had contacted me about a woman whom he was seeing in Michigan. He stated that the court system was crazy and so was my judge. I explained to him what was going on. He stated I was a breath of fresh air and was thankful to finally find someone who could explain what was happening. When I was ordered for the test, I gave him a call and found out who the woman he was seeing, had performed her psychological evaluation. Maybe one day the psychologist will be investigated on his practices, but until then I know the truth.

When you know the truth, you are able to stand and listen to the lies. When they believe their fabricated lie, that is where it gets interesting.  

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