Dear Deanna, How Do You Deal With Stalkers?

You know, some stalkers will stalk you because of someone you are associated with. My friend who is also fighting the corruption of family court also has stalkers. So because you work together or are friends, you get stalked by association. I see them as publicity and they help to boost my name and rankings on Google. I love to see their lies and manipulation, but love it more when people tell me how nuts they are. Most people are shocked once they meet me and I am nothing like what the stalkers said. 

My favorite example is when the Mayor threw a going away party for one of my friends who went back to New Zeland. While talking to the Mayor's secretary, she kept saying how fun I was and how I looked so familuar. I mentioned my running for a county commissioner position two years prior, but she did not put two and two together. I am sure the Mayor informed her who I was leter on. 

Others tell me to be safe and that those people are crazy. My friend and I actually feed them information that just makes them go nuts and crazy. We laugh about it and find it interesting how some people can be fed information to use. They have no clue we are setting them up to look crazier than they really are. If haters want to hate, feed them hater information. For example: We will go out to an event and then take some specific photos and place them on a Facebook page etc.. that we know they are on but think we do not. They will take the pictures and then use them. They also like to take our pictures from the Facebook personal pages. 

I always say, "If you can't laugh at the situation, you will never make it through the bs." Our haters help us to laugh at the situation. Sometimes you are just amazed at some people. 

Dear Deanna, How Did You Deal With Supervised Visitations?

After three months at the YWCA I started being harassed. A 20 year old employee started telling me when to have the childen pick up their toys etc...and was stepping over my parental boundaries. They were not following their safety protocall. (This is a domestic violence case and we were at a domestic violence shelter.) I wrote a letter to all their funders and in 30 days the program was shut down for about nine months. Little did the YWCA know, but I was doing a security type position a block away from the domestic violence shelter. 

If my former spouse harmed me while at the services, the publicity would have been out of this world. The YWCA did not want to take that chance and have the company look bad. Leter on I found out the CEO of the YWCA is friends with my judge and that they receive money from the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) Most people do not know that judges get 5%, prosecuting attorneys get 25%, and law enforcement get 25% of the funds. The best part about this is the fact that these agencies do not have to report back to the Federal government where the money was spent. What that means is they can pocket this money and no one is the wiser. 

If anyone can find out how to obtian information on the funds judges receive from non profit organizations, please let me know. I have searched and searched and as far as I know, there is no record of this money. 

So what I am saying is that judges, attorneys, and law enforcement are working with the YWCA to obtain money. Think they are for your best interest, think again!

Dear Deanna, How Did You Keep Your Judge From Putting You In Jail?

When I created my website, Abused Swan, the very first page explained that my judge threatened to put me in jail. Why did she threaten to put me in jail? For refusal to have any communication with my abuser. It is also a fear tactic by the judge get a person to cooperate. A statement explained that when I had to be in court, that I would post information on the page, and if the information had not been removed witn in 24 hours of the court date, it was because I was unable to do so.  

Judges are known to place mothers in lock down facilities to keep them quiet. At one point I worked at a lock down facility for teenage girls. Little did I know that my judge was sitting on the board. A few years later I had taken one of my children to get help with anger. While explaining about my judge, the intake person showed body signs that they understood about the judge, but could not speak about her. The only way to get my child help was to place the child on medications so the insurance company would pay for the counseling. What my child needed someone to explain what was going on. I knew that if I had explained to the child what was happening, my former spouse would use it against me in court and claim I was alienating the child against him. So I filed a motion to have the child go to counseling with a previous counselor the courts had ordered the child to see. The counselor had an office in the town my former spouse lived in and where I lived in. Instead the GAL thought I needed supervised visitations. 

Eventually I learned how to place the motions on the website so others could read what the court date was about.